
For these reasons, we Convert 2WD to 4WD


 For these reasons, we Convert 2WD to 4WD
For example, in Iran, there are about 150,000 tractors with a lifespan of over 13 years, and most of them are 2WD tractors, which has shown the following problems.
- needs to Increase Traction force 
- needs to increase The efficiency of working hours during using tracking agricultural machinery.
- needs the Command angle(increase in 4WD)
- Increase engine life (increase traction force to front wheels )
- Possibility of four locking wheels (reduction of the Wheelspin in wheels on the muddy ground)
For these reasons, first in Iran, a small group of experienced professionals converted 2WD to 4WD.
And they hope to cooperate on an equal footing in other parts of the world in the future.





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